“In Ayurveda, fire represents light, heat, luster, energy, understanding, thoughts, metabolism and the power of transformation”
In the science of Ajurveda fire is the solar element representing the embodied heat and light in the material world. ‘Tejas’, under its Sanskrit name, fire is created from ether and air, where ether is allowing the space for fire to exist while air is promoting its burning, keeping it alive and active.
In essence the highest purpose of each element is to aid the spiritual connection.
Fire is essentially the element of action, of change and choice, of progress and transformation.
Fire determines the will to take control over your own self as well as over life’s events, turning it all into beneficial opportunities.
For this, fire is profoundly connected to the level of vital energy and lust for life.
It is the measure of one’s power of regeneration, of holistic healing.
The element of fire can be distinguished in several areas, manifesting on the emotional, psychological, physical and metaphysical planes, with all of its expressions being interconnected.
By understanding and observing its overall influence, you can inquire your state of health and work towards wellbeing in a holistic manner through balancing this primordial force.
Ayurveda sees fire as represented in five aspects:
The fire element must be kept in the proper proportion such as to maintain your whole organism in good shape.
The stages of excess or deficiency unlock an entire chain of conditions with a set of manifestations that are to be tended to as it follows:
What do you think about the power of your fire?
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