Spiritual Health

How To Attract What You Desire

“Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, and mirror what you admire”

As it is hypothesized by mystics and new age thinkers, ether is the medium that fills all space as well as matter.

There is no completely empty space in the universe, instead what we call nothingness alchemists call ether, the substance that binds all molecules of matter, on Earth and in the cosmos.

This makes ether the divine substance that channels the spiritual energy in every living being and also in virtually everything, be it water of stone.


From this perspective, ether is the medium that promotes the transmission of vibrations, telepathic communication and all other type of subtle connections that we have no explanation for in our current scientific understanding. But even if we can’t explain such events, we can nevertheless experience their effects.

Bizarre coincidences have happened to everyone, as for example when you think of someone and that someone is surprisingly calling you the very next second.

It is as if you were attracting that person in your present existence by the power of thought. The truly astounding fact is that this type of attraction works in even more complex situations.

This is the power of materializing that thoughts do have, and it works granted by the universal law of attraction.

Ether is the substance that allows this law to control the cycle of life in the universe, and it functions in a similar way to how gravity attracts the smaller objects towards the greater ones.

This correlation between ether and gravity has been suggested and inquired by alchemists throughout the world.

 In simple words, it states that you are constantly creating your own reality, and we, as humanity are co-creating our collective reality.


How can you manipulate the law of attraction to your own benefit:

  • Be careful what you think because it has all the potential to manifest in reality;
  • Concentrate on what you want and you will send vibrations in the universe to attract that things, events or people in your life;
  • Take responsibility of your attitude towards reality because the power to change it is in your hands;
  • Be aware that the negative vibrations you send towards other people have effect;
  • In the same line of thought, be aware that negative thoughts and emotions translate in negative vibrations that, in return, attract negative events;
  • When your energy is of love, enthusiasm, happiness, abundance, this is what you will surround yourself with;
  • On the contrary, when you feel fearful, stressed or anxious, it will call for likewise energy;
  • Learn to meditate so you can empty your mind of abusive thoughts and be able to concentrate on what is truly important;
  • Formulate your wishes as simple as possible and be sure what you wish for because the universe works with simple messages;
  • Know that the universe does not understand negations – you can’t say for instance ‘I don’t want this or that’ because what you will attract is exactly ‘this or that’.


>> This Manifestation Miracle guide will reveal the precious secrets you need to know in order to bring abundance and take control over your destiny.

More than anything, believe that miracles do happen but only when your wishes are pure, clear and coming from your heart.

So, what do you think?

Have you consciously attracted something wonderful to your life?

I personally love doing it, but then again, I’m kind of crazy to most of the people.

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